Well would ya look at that. It’s been almost a year since I’ve started this endeavor. So many things have happened, not necessarily what I expected but hey, that’s life for ya. This little thing which was originally just my comic guinea pig has grown to an unremarkable size! And I Can’t wait to show you all what’s to come!
I’ve had many things to think about since I’ve started Mismamon and one of the things always looming over me is the story. Ever since I decided I wanted to pursue Mismamon the original idea was very simple and kinda episodic.
Let me tell you about it!
The Mismamon Story
So originally Mismamon was going to be episodic. At this time i was struggling with finding a way to connect An angel, a Frankenstein’s monster, A couple devils, a refugee and a box boy. I had no idea how ANY coherent story would be possible. Hell, even if it was coherent, there’s no way it would ever be good right? And so the first Issue was made with the episodic route in mind. There were a couple character interactions planned here and there but it was mostly self-contained PTSD :).
Well right after the release of issue #1 something hit me. I don’t if it was divine intervention or a stroke of genius but something clicked. and soon I was (hopefully) able to form a somewhat coherent plot from this madness. It was loose, stringy and Oh so very odd. but it somehow felt…
Soon these freak shows came to life! No longer where they just little symbols of pain, now they were greater, they we’re people. they were ALIVE!!! With relationships, and feelings and pasts that can be mapped, desires and dreams those still going and those snuffed out, the machinations of their being were forming, and it was all coming to me! Yes YES! All connected through the cruelest Rope of all TRAUMA! MWAHAHAHAHA! HAHAhAhAHAhA! HAAAAHAAHAAHAAHAHAAAAAAAA!
Haa…Haha..ha… *AHEM*
Let me calm myself before I blurt out a spoiler.
But even in times of distress, when your heart hurts more than any cut could ever, all you need is an ear. Whether it be from a Frankenstein or a Daredevil, that’s what it’ all about.
This period was truly magical, and even to this day I discover little things that make me wonder. “I can’t believe this started out as a fake miniautures game” and I still can’t believe it! It may not be as pretty as Yusuke Murata, or as anatomically (correct?) as Keisuke Itagaki, and boy do it wish it had that odd amateurish swagger that Atsushi Ohkubo or Hiromoto Sinichi have. It may not be perfect, some may say it’s awful. but by god It’s mine, It’s crude, It’s ugly, it’s amateur.
But It’s also mine. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
So I thank you little Angel. Thank you.
hah…Isn’t it little early to get all Sentimental?
This Journey has made me push myself as an artist in many ways, it’s the first time I’ve ever created a trailer for anything, a website, hell I’ve NEVER animated with any real pressure, it’s always been a hobby to me (and still is!) I’ve literally never animated with construction or wireframes or whatever. It just takes too damn long and kinda takes away that rough edge. I’ve never made a newsletter, or a blog! and most of all. I’ve never considered putting myself out there as an artist. I’ve always been in the shadows…waiting…waiting, but this has given me an opportunity to give a piece of myself to the world. Despite the fear, I owe it to these little freaks. The world deserves to see you!
Speaking of SEEING
SHE’s Changing! She’s Changing!
Very subtly, very slowly, that is how change takes place.
It’s interesting to look back and see the differences in the designs. All of them completely unconscious, As you can see they are very subtle. I didn’t even notice them during the process of creation, it kinda just…happens. One day Annie’s wings have 3 flaps some other day they have 4. It all just sits into place eventually. I could go on about the other characters but you’ll see for yourself when Issue 3 releases. I wonder if it’ll change again…..
It’s bound to is it not?
Closing Thoughts
It sure has been a year… I sometimes wonder whether Mismamon would ever be successful. Among the likes of all those indie sensations. Man I would love for there to be an Ashley plushie. But it’s just the beginning, maybe it will get a bajillion views, maybe I will get an Ashley plushie. Or maybe it’ll stay lost to time as most of these things tend to do…. either way. I know it would’ve been worth it. Doesn’t matter if there’s one person or one thousand. I ain’t going anywhere. In other words, I’m bad at marketing.
Staying along those lines I would once again for the 22nd time this year extend a great big thank you to MKSC for always sticking around. Sometimes it feels like I’m the only person in this world of horror. But lest I forget.
Ever since I decided to be open about this project I never expected you to be so interested. It brings me joy, so much Joy. No matter how many eyes or ears these little Misfits pass through, yours will always be the ones I look for.
I imagine when I finish the comic, I’d make some movie-esque credits video. Remember this, I know you’re reading.
You’ll be at the top of that list, with the most sparkles, and the biggest letters and the fanciest font.
I promise. Thank you.
Hah.. Ya know, In my cold dimly light room, it almost feels like christmas…. Almost….
Next year I hope to outdo myself hahaha!
Well that’s all from me, See you all Next year! Joyeux Noel!!!
Combien De mois
Pour Oublier ta Vois
des souvenirs de toi?
tres difficile pour moi