Howdy doody! It’s 2025! New Year, Same Mismamon.
First of all Happy new year everybody!!! (Yeah I know I’m a little late…) I hope you all enjoyed Christmas or whatever in the Sam hill ya’ll celebrate. I come with a few notices.
Well the first and probably what you’re here for is a progress update…. Aaaaaaaand progress is progressing! SLOWLY BUT It’s gettin’ there! Currently finishing up page 6! (Yeah I know it’s a long way to go >:V don’t remind me!) I can’t say for sure when Issue #3 will be finished but I’m thinking Late February or early March, and that’s a conservative estimate! Life’s been getting more and more busy and a LOT of things have happened over the past few months. But despite all that, I’ll always be here, and that’s a promise!
Well aside from that I think the website could use a little fine tuning in certain places. Some Art needs updating and Maybe a little redecorating? I’ve also wanted to Do Cain and Lucifera’s Character pages for a while now but I’ve been holding out for Issue #3 to do so since it gives a much better understanding of their characters than the first #2 and it really is where the story kicks off but, I digress. I just wanted to give you all something since it’s been a while but…Maybe I should stick to mah guns and be a little patient.
I think that’s all for now. Stay tuned friends!