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Mismamon Update Log #6- It’s Kinda my fault but not really?

HI. YES I KNOW I AM OVER SCHEDULE! But, for good reason! To be blunt, yes, Issue #2 is done. It was done Around the End of July actually. You may be wondering “Then why don’t you just release it Dummy!?”.

The reason it’s not out yet is because for some reason after I completed it I had the brilliant idea to make a new video for the release! :DDDD YAY! And that video is taking me a bit. Along with my normal life stuff I just don’t have a load of time to Gnaw away at it, I also need certain shots for the video, (Why don’t you use internet pho-“) SHUSH! Also I wanted to get the website set up for the big release, complete with new character pages and a short QnA. All in all, I’m dumb. So rest easy knowing it’s done just keep your eye’s peeled for any weirdly crusty homemade videos lying about. That probably means it released. It should take about a week MaX? Maybe?

I guess I lied last time huh? Well…BYE….


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